Thursday 29 March 2012


Insurance Group is an insurance plan that provides coverage to a large number of individuals under a single policy called "MATER POLICY". the individual covered by the master policy are not party to the contract. The contract will be between the insurer and the body representing a group of people covered. This body may be employer who is interested in obtaining benefits for their employees through insurance. the body may bean association of individuals through which the collective interests of the people who are safe, as a treade or professional association. a bank may make an arrangementthrough a group policy to defend their interests againtsdefaults occurring cause of deathof bebtors.
Schemes insurance groups are used by the government as instruments of social assistance. Social security is a conce8rn of government in all countries. But yheDIMENSIONAL safety vary considerably. in some advanced countries, the whole of lifeextensions of older people are assumed by the state as a social measure. In somecountries, medical care is free. in some countries in s ppaid state benefits during unemployment is more than the wages of employees. social protection measures are generally administered by the government with funds generated through levies and taxes. the cost of administering these systems have been increasing in recent years and the government have found it expendit insurance companies use to achieve theseobjectives. insurance company are seen as the natural tool to take over these functions,insurance companies becauseli8fe has a strong social dimension.

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